Firmwares for FI8904W and FI8909W-NA

Each Foscam camera model needs its own specific firmware. Latest versions I could obtain for FI8903W/FI8904W and FI8909W-NA are found below. They all implement the Server Push mode.

Please check your current firmware version first. If your camera was recently manufactured, you may already have the latest one. If the numbering sequence of your version is different, consider that you may not have a Foscam camera and avoid using these files, they would brick your device.
Never flash your camera 'over the air', use the Ethernet connection during this operation! Always start flashing the system firmware file (starting by lr_cmos...), then the web ui file (if necessary).

If you need a version that is not available here, just email Foscam with your device ID.

FI8903W(18 IR LEDs)/FI8904W(24 IR LEDs):
Since March 2010, the latest firmware can be downloaded directly from Foscam download center.
Firmware - web ui (MD5 - DF3DC037603C04757E5E98B719005AA2
Firmware - web ui  (MD5 - D33FA1CFC8F1E1E85AA2D6837393E8A3)
Firmware - web ui  (MD5 - EBDC797117177AD1C7C0D2BBCEF816FE)


Since March 2010, the latest firmware can be downloaded directly from Foscam download center
Firmware for FI8909W

See the FI8908W Firmware History Page for more information on fixes and enhancement between firmware versions.


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