Evolution of M801W: now with IR-Cut !

Following the general trend in IP cameras, Dericam added IR-Cut to its M801W range.

This new version of the M801W offers an improved picture quality thanks to the automatic IR-Cut system. It is already available at Andy.lig's shop. The price is about 10€ slightly higher than for the old model.

I took some comparative pictures with both old and new models.

The IR-Cut shows sharper images and better color rendering: no more purple foliages!
(Going green has a different meaning in the IP camera world)





Live testing:

The M801W IR cut can be tried here:    http://dericam.dyndns.org:89     User name:admin, no password

links for other models:

M601W IR cut     http://dericam.dyndns.org:83     User name:admin, no password
M204W IR cut     http://dericam.dyndns.org:82     User name:admin, no password
H218W Mega pixel IR cut   http://dericam.dyndns.org:86 User name:admin, password:123456
H501W  Mega pixel IR cut      http://dericam.dyndns.org:81 User name:admin, password:123456


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