
This update is not from CyberNova, neither from Dericam (who didn't publish any firmware for the H502W yet), but has been successfully tested on my WIP604MW.
It brings a few interesting changes actually...

The 05.28 release is the first update for 2013. There's still no option for preset positions but some nice improvements still:

An OSD settings section has also been added with option to "Show Time". I'm not convinced the option itself has any effect, but an OSD always shows in the MJPEG resolutions (with time regardless of the option), an no OSD ever in h.264 resolutions.

- The camera can now work with P2P for those allergic to IP settings. The latest Master IP Camera client (also here) takes advantage of it.

- If you followed the previous episode about the light sensor problem, the switchSeconds parameter is now supported. It  adds a delay for the activation/deactivation of the IR LED. Along with the trick documented earlier, it might conclude the incident for good. 

The file cs.def.ini in side the app folder contains the following section:

That section can be copied inside cs.ini which normally only contains the 2 first lines of that same [board/irled] section. Hopefully, the switchSeconds will effectively forbid the camera from switching its LED before the defined delay. 

Important Notice: 
Before performing any firmware update, read this post to learn about potential problems that can result from this operation as well as how to backup the board.dat file. 

Since the firmware is not available from the usual providers, I've made a share on my Google Drive for it:
Download location: Firmware0528
Usual precautions applies: don't flash through wireless, know what you're doing, don't blame me if..., blah, blah...
Update: see this article if you think that you bricked your camera.

As advertised on, a free IP Master client is available on Apple store (Android equivalent is available from CyberNova but still give some FC's).

But the best is yet to come: ONVIF compliance is planned for a future release!

Big thanks to Microsat for providing me with the files and all the information!


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