ICS Google Talk for Onda Vi40

Finding a fully working Google Talk for your Onda tablet might be a little more difficult than other apps, so here is a simple way to have it fully working...

This method installs a fully working Google Talk with Video and Audio chat on your ICS tablet.

  1. Download the Onda_Vi40_Talk.zip 
  2. Unzip the file on a PC with working android drivers installed. If you upgraded the firmware of your tablet in the past, these should be in place already.
  3. Execute the RunMe.bat
  4. At the end of the process, the tablet will reboot

What it does exactly:

It copies the following into /system/lib
libvideochat_jni.so (for Google Talk)
libvideochat_stabilize.so (for Google Talk)
libvoicesearch.so (for Voice Search)
...and Talk.apk and VoiceSearch.apk into /system/app

It also chmod's the files to 644(*). 

(*) Chmod reminder:
400 read by owner
200 write by owner
040 read by group
004 read by anybody

...the included VoiceSearch is entirely optional.


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