This page contains the various firmwares released by Foscam.
They are intended to be used only on the non-branded generation of Foscam FI8908W. The ones bearing no logo on their casing.
Please, read this first:
Some externally identical IP cameras may not be from Foscam. Generally their packaging and web interface is different. Flashing a non-Foscam camera with the firmwares above can render it irrecoverably useless.
Over time, it became increasingly risky to use a Foscam firmware... on a Foscam device, because of the distinct generations that appeared within the same model FI8908W (see this note). So, contacting Foscam with your DeviceID and Firmware version to get the update from them remains the recommended option.
Never flash your camera 'over the air', use the Ethernet connection during this operation! Always start flashing the system firmware file (starting by lr_cmos...), then the web ui file.
There are 2 distinct generations of Foscam FI8908W: The non-branded (they call this neutral) and the newer ones bearing the Foscam logo on the casing (they call this logo cameras). Do not use these firmwares if your Foscam camera is a "logo" camera. Contact Foscam directly instead!
These are NOT for FI8918W.
These are NOT for FI8918W.
system + Web UI
-> Download directly from Foscam (November 2010)
- New button to prevent the folder where the videos are saved from popping up.
- Control of the preset position of the camera.
- Messed up Sunday timing in the alarm scheduler (settings from 0800 through 1600 override those from 0000 through 0800 for Sunday)
- Scrambled pictures send by email (not verified)
system + Web UI
-> make sure to use the latest ip camera tool from the same download page.
--> mirror (July 2010 release - MD5 B8347A2DD2ED84B59D2D658D7B2BA0F5)
Update of the update (July 2010) : new files same version, the WebUI now has a section for specifying the patrol rates.
- Wifi Disconnections resolved
- Wrong timestamp in log resolved
- Log now reports motion detection events
- Videostream FPS can be adjusted
- Ability to Backup/Restore the settings
- PTZ errors are now solved
- the patrol speed is set to maximum, which can be re-set to normal by the following command:
Updated CGI documentation:
rate: 0-23
1:20 fps
3:15 fps
6:10 fps
11:5 fps
12:4 fps
13:3 fps
14:2 fps
15:1 fps
17:1 fp/2s
19:1 fp/3s
21:1 fp/4s
23:1 fp/5s
system "bis" + Web UI "bis"
Around March 2010, Foscam started to actually host the latest firmware in their "Download Center". Both update files are still showing the same version but they changed in size. I suspect that some minor bug fixes
have been included. Because of this inconsistent versioning, I won't mirror these files to avoid any accidental mix up.
Changes: It is unclear what improvement has been brought by this version. There's a FPS parameter that is not functional, and up and down movements (tilt) are affected by a bug in the WebUI, resulting in an error being displayed and the tilting movement to continue until stopped manually.
system + Web UI
-> mirror
October 2009
- Contains minor updates and bug fixes on the server push mode side.
- A pan and tilt issue reported by some users has been resolved.
The WebUI file is still the same that came previously with, so it's only needed if you come from an older firmware.
- timestamp sometimes wrong in the camera log (1970-01-01)
- the camera cannot reconnect to the network if the connection is lost.
(I don't mention the DST "bug" anymore. Most Chinese cameras don't implement this because China stopped observing Daylight Saving Time since 1991 )
system + Web UI
-> mirror
August 2009
Several improvements including:
- disabling the activity led (see Basic Network Settings section)
- a camera activity log
- Clock synchronization does not account for DST
- some parameters can only be saved from the ActiveX interface.
- timestamp sometimes wrong in the camera log (1970-01-01)
- the camera cannot reconnect to the network if the connection is lost.
system + Web UI
-> mirror
June 2009
Enables the server push support (non-IE browsers compatibility) and allow applications such as VLC to intercept the video stream through the videostream.asf page.
- Clock synchronization does not account for DST
- the camera cannot reconnect to the network if the connection is lost.
(There is an equivalent update for fi8903w, fi8904w fi8909w-NA here)
system + Web UI
-> mirror
February 2009
The interface relies on an ActiveX control and therefore requires Internet Explorer.
- Clock synchronization does not account for Daylight Saving Time: returns local time-1 hour
- the camera cannot reconnect to the network if the connection is lost.
IPCAM user guide 4.1.2 - mirror
IPCAM CGI SDK V1.7 - mirror
IPCAM CGI Application Instruction v109 - mirror
IPCAM Protocol - mirror
For compatible monitoring software look here.
The material on this site is made available AS IS without warranty of any kind.