this will turn off the green activity led instantly.
The valid values are as follow:
led_mode=0 - the green led blinks only once connected.
led_mode=1 - the green led blinks while searching for a connection and when connected.
led_mode=2 - the green led is always off.
See here for the meaning of the different blinking rates.
the camera won't auto-rotate any more when restarting, so you won't need to re-position it any longer upon rebooting.
This function is currently not implemented in the user interface and instructs the camera to start a patrol at a defined interval, here 30 seconds.
The patrol type is defined by this other command:
Possible values: 0: None; 1: horizontal; 2: vertical; 3: Horizontal + Vertical
The value provided will defined how fast the camera will rotate on patrol, here 20 is the default.
Fastest speed = 0. Slowest speed = 100.
Returns all the current values for the functions above.
Displays the visits log
Returns the complete configuration of the camera.
All the commands can be chained in the same url by using & as separator.
(complete documentation can be found on this page)